"Upsolve Reviews" Discussion
Upsolve is a nonprofit tool that helps you file bankruptcy for free. Think TurboTax for bankruptcy. Get free education, customer support, and community. Featured in Forbes 4x and funded by institutions like Harvard University so we'll never ask you for a credit card. Explore our free tool
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Upsolve Community Member
Is this option really work out for the better?
Upsolve Community Member
Hey, I would like to file for bankruptcy. Anyone here with experience using Upsolve, please share with me. Thanks
Community Replies:
Upsolve Community Member
As a start for learning how Upsolve can help, check out the reviews at the top of the page <3
Upsolve Community Member
https://my.upsolve.org/community/post/3118 one example of a user who filed with Upsolve and their story
Upsolve Community Member
Upsolvers, hope a few others can chime in here with your experience too :)
Upsolve Community Member
Kenneth, having come from the "dot com 1.0" world in the 90's and adopting several apps through the years, I couldn't believe my luck in finding Upsolve. It was really my last gasp before having to figure it all out on my own. Even the Legal Aid Society here in Long Beach doesn't touch bankruptcies! I have long been a fan of apps that saves me time and solves my problems. For example, I use Legalzoom for my Living Will, Advance Directives and other things, and TurboTax to prepare my taxes. So I knew I could do this! I used to be on the OTHER side benefitting others and now I was the one needing the assistance! Upsolve's Questionnaire is a cross between a marketing SURVEY and. a GUIDED TOUR of something. I was given an easy-to-follow roadmap from start (accessing upsolve.org) to finish: that BEAUTIFUL Blue Docket Case Number and the word "Discharged". I had a few questions, which should be the norm with something this important. I had just been through hell (I don't know anyone filing bankruptcy that hasn't), so I didn't want to screw things up. I checked my work and rechecked my work. And then I checked my work again. Driving to the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse and submitting my "package" to the clerk went by without and hitch and the 341 meeting, which was postponed. made me nervous like it does everybody else --- my theory on that is we are diligent people and we do NOT want to mess up the opportunity for a FRESH START. Everything went great at t the clerk window. I paid my $335 (why do I remember these numbers?) even though I badly needed that money but I knew it would be one of the greatest investments I'd ever made. Sorry for the long post, but I am still excited about my Upsolve experience. I've been gushing about the organization since Spring of 2020 and don't intend to stop. Please let me know if you want any specifics on any step of the way. Good luck! :-)
Upsolve Community Member
Has anyone not been able to go banlrupt with this app? Is it trustworthy?
Community Replies:
Upsolve Community Member
Thanks for asking, Lynda! Reading posts in this Community and chatting with other Upsolve users is the best way we can help you see that Upsolve is a trustworthy site! Reading Google reviews is also a great way (they're embedded at the top of this page and here's a https://www.google.com/search?ei=7O1oX6KfGonAytMP1oKkKA&q=upsolve+nyc&oq=upsolve+nyc&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAA6BAgAEEc6BAgAEEM6BggAEBYQHlCiGljmHWDmHmgAcAJ4AIABQ4gB9wGSAQE0mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiixbPD7frrAhUJoHIEHVYBCQUQ4dUDCA0&uact=5#lrd=0x89c25a4fbebde7fd:0x494443fff411eea3,1 in case it's helpful!
Upsolve Community Member
Hi Lynda! Yes, there will be some people who have complex financial issues. Is it "trustworthy"? Voted to TIME's Best Inventions 2020! Some well-known names, universities, and company's "put their name on it". Upsolve also doesn't try to be all things to all people considering bankruptcy. Take a look at this article written by Upsolve and Co-founder Rohan Pavuluri: https://upsolve.org/learn/our-limits/. Whatever you decide in going forward, this Community is here for you --- staff and users who are passionate about Upsolve's benefits and believe in its mission! Good luck, Lynda! :-).
Upsolve Community Member
Thanks for asking- keep asking questions! At the end of the day, this is a self-service tool and we're just here to help. You're doing exactly the right thing by asking and learning more for yourself
Upsolve Community Member
Is filling bankruptcy a bad idea. I am having a hard time with this. But I know I can't get caught up and can't afford to be garnished
Community Replies:
Upsolve Community Member
It's really an individual decision based on your personal circumstances, credit situation, and your life goals and plans. I recommend reading Upsolve's article https://upsolve.org/learn/should-i-file-for-chapter-7-bankruptcy/ because it reviews the types of debts that can be discharged, and also different scenarios with property, recent large purchases, and other life events. It also lists some alternative debt solutions. I think you'll find it helpful in your decision-making process.
Upsolve Community Member
Hi Jeanette, Here's a 10-Step Guide on how to prepare for bankruptcy and get a fresh start: https://upsolve.org/learn/how-to-file-bankruptcy/ We are here to help answer any questions along the way.
Upsolve Community Member
Whether you file is up to you- there are certainly pros and cons, but many people find that it's the best option for their circumstances. This article is a really good one to evaluate your options and decide https://upsolve.org/learn/debt-relief-options/
Upsolve Community Member
Three great article referrals, Jeanette, and a great example of how this Community can assist when it comes to not only the "mechanical" process of filing Chapter 7 --- but as important -- your MINDSET in making the decision to a serious, stressful topic in our lives: personal finances. Clair, Erin, and Jacqueline have all responded with objective ways to EXPLORE your options. Stay close to this Community because it's not all about law, income, and expenses. It is also about our health which is SO important during this journey! Good luck! :-)
Upsolve Community Member
How did this work for others?
Community Replies:
Upsolve Community Member
Thanks for asking! As a start, feel free to check out the reviews at the top of our screen! You can also scroll through the https://my.upsolve.org/rooms/17 to see other Upsolvers' stories and timelines!
Upsolve Community Member
Hi Tiffany! It worked great for me! I was discharged in the summer of 2020. Good luck! :-)
Upsolve Community Member
Wonderfully as Bankruptcy can be.01/12/2022.
Upsolve Community Member
Great! It isn't easy but it has been easier that I thought it would be and I wish I would have done this sooner. Thanks Upsolve! I even referred a friend the other day.
Community Replies:
Upsolve Community Member
Brent, glad you asked! It's completely up to you whether to use Upsolve- lots of people have used it successfully, but it's a personal decision and it's not right for everyone! People often google Upsolve to see the reviews and learn more about what we do. You can also read this article! https://upsolve.org/how-we-work/
Upsolve Community Member
If you're just deciding whether bankruptcy is a good option of if there's something better out there, we've good resources on that too! check out this as a place to start https://upsolve.org/learn/should-i-file-for-chapter-7-bankruptcy/
Upsolve Community Member
Brent, I can only answer for myself but isn't that the question we all ask when considering solutions that will help our lives? In my case, YES. I filed in February of 2020 just before the first Covad germ hit our shores and to be honest with you, I don't think ANYONE can answer the question right away! So, in order of timeline: 1) Once I filed, my phone stopped ringing day and night wondering where my payment was so that's a big YES. 2) After discharge, I have a fresh start without those bills hanging over me like a dark cloud. That part: YES, of course. 3) I am now about a year and half after discharge and my credit rebuilding is in progress. I am in the "Good" category with all credit bureaus. I had been in the 500's chiefly due to maxed-out credit cards and I'm now hovering around 700. So my answer to your question in my case is a resounding YES: I got my life back and I'm glad I did it. If you have any specific questions about my experience, please let me know! good luck! :-)