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"Settling A Debt After Summons" Discussion

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Upsolve Community Member

Im 24 years old, have came into quite a bit of debt. Partially due to the obvious young age and making poor choices (I.E. lifestyle inflation etc.), along with switching roles at my job for less pay. The reason for that was a quality of life imporvment. No more long nights, massive amounts of OT, constant stress and so on. Would filing for this make my life harder? Or with my young age would it make it eaiser than paying back the 25k+ in debt? Anxious on making the life choice here.

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Community Replies:

Upsolve Community Member
One of the things to consider is whether you could repay your current unsecured debt in 5 years if nothing at all changes about your income, the balances, or the interest rates. Of course, timing plays a role here too. It's not ok to run up more CC debt than one can handle and then turn around to file bankruptcy. But that's not the same thing as dealing with a mistake from your past by seeking protection in bankruptcy court now. 

Upsolve Community Member
https://upsolve.org/learn/pros-cons-filing-chapter-7-bankruptcy/ is a good place to start! 

Upsolve Community Member
Devyn, I commend you for being REAL! The first step is acknowledging that some poor choices were made along the way. Very few would admit that, yet we ALL have made some poor choices during our life journey. I am reading GREAT NEWS in your post because you KNOW who it is up to learn new habits, such as setting up a budget and STICKING TO IT.  Since I filed Chapter 7 in 2020, I have "raised" $30,000 by pivoting and working side gigs. Sure, I was the beneficiary of the Stimulus payments, but that same $25K (the debt you say you have) was "raised" in less than a couple of years' time. We are all different animals in how we live life, but I will give you a personal opinion based on your intelligent post that you can pay that off. That's just my opinion! Good luck in making your decisions ahead. :-).  P.S. There is a https://my.upsolve.org/rooms/19 forum section in this Community that just opened. I look forward to seeing you there!  

Upsolve Community Member

I'm feeling overwhelmed and ashamed that I let myself get into this much debt. I lost my entire world in the blink of an eye I'd lost my parents and my ultimate reason for being. I'd devoted 10 years caring for them and they were both gone in a blink. Corona hit and I was left reeling. I was blessed with a job and a place to stay but I was also caring for another family member on top of it. I was her sole source for care and shelter. I was able to finally move and here I am still living paycheck to paycheck and feeling lost. But. I will always have hope.

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Community Replies:

Upsolve Community Member
Rebecca, I'm rooting for you. Thanks for coming here.

Upsolve Community Member
Thank you so much Rohan, it really means a lot to hear that. 

Upsolve Community Member
I'm so sorry about the loss of your parents and my heart goes out to you. Losing loved ones is so painful, and the pain of not being able to control everything around us just adds to the ache and sense of loss. I'm glad you keep hope in your heart. I always felt hope was a grounding factor, like a stabilizer. You can stand on hope when the world around you is swirling and it can help you see.  I'm glad you have a job and a place to stay, and I hope you find joy in fond memories and new adventures.  New adventures are bound to happen when you feel lost. :) I wish you much joy on your new path! Hugs! 

Upsolve Community Member
Rebecca, I want to take your first SENTENCE and respond. Jacqueline and others have expressed condolences empathy for your recent loss. I join them. First, the OVERWHELMED word: It is so easy to get overwhelmed right now, especially after going through what you have but it is important that you take care of yourself and LOVE yourself. I mean it. Because it's the next word you use: ASHAMED, that I am asking you to drop. Life includes making mistakes at times. Sometimes we don't make the right decisions but what is left out so often is more often we do things RIGHT.  LIFE HAPPENS. There is NO SHAME in bankruptcy but if you feel you made some mistakes that led to your position RIGHT NOW, you can join ME and others in resolving to do something about it. You are going through a lot but this is YOUR OPPORTUNITY for a FRESH START -- a new day --- and you will need to do YOUR PART. This Community will help you conquer the bankruptcy "overwhelmed" part. Take this slowly and one step at a time! I don't know about you, but I can't focus or think clearly when I am deeply stressed! As for feeling ashamed, you will feel a lot better to be surrounded by folks who have similar stories and are rebuilding and learning how to control their finances through budgeting, setting up a "Life Happens Fund", and getting into a NEW HABIT of budgeting and knowing where every penny is! Even if you are paycheck to paycheck (like me), I sleep better at night because I can plan and live according to my budget. One more thing: budget doesn't mean just paying bills. That's boring. By retaking control, you will be able to restore joy and have some fun! Good luck! :-). 

Upsolve Community Member

I have a prenuptial agreement that we seperate finances and all my pre marital debt is my responsibility

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Community Replies:

Upsolve Community Member
....and all of HIS is his responsibility, right? Setting expectations and sorting out finances while arranging lives together is a good idea IMO and shows organization and responsibility. I'm sure you are loving Upsolve! :-)

Upsolve Community Member
Whether you list your spouse's information will still, generally speaking, depend on the bankruptcy laws and rules 

Upsolve Community Member
You can learn more here! https://upsolve.org/learn/responsible-spouse-debt/ 

Upsolve Community Member

Did you know?💡 Rather than checking PACER daily, you can sign up for email notices from the Bankruptcy Court. This Help Center article has the details: https://help.upsolve.org/hc/en-us/articles/360058473973-Getting-Your-Bankruptcy-Court-Notices-Via-Email

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Community Replies:

Upsolve Community Member
That is good to know! Thank you!

Upsolve Community Member
What fileing papers I have to fill out

Upsolve Community Member
Date just that one sheet

Upsolve Community Member
I'm sorry Walter - did you have a question?

Upsolve Community Member
Do you know if you need your bankruptcy paperwork faster than the dates available due to an extreme situation is that even possible? Thanks, Tony 

Upsolve Community Member
Also is there a link for setting up your email for the court notice? I tried to clink the blue lettering saying: Getting your bankruptcy court notice via email and it does do anything. Thanks, Tony 

Upsolve Community Member
I fixed the second question. I opened the page. it was a setting.

Upsolve Community Member

Sending my utmost positive energy to y'all that are beside me during our "please a second chance with our finances!"

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Community Replies:

Upsolve Community Member
YES! I call it a "do-over" or "mulligan". No matter WHAT circumstances got us here, it's now our opportunity for a FRESH START and to learn strict budgeting, setting up a "Life Happens Fund" (rainy day), and getting daily control so wise decisions are made. Good luck --- plenty of karma pointed at you, Lisa! :-) 

Upsolve Community Member
Love your energy, Lisa. Thank you for making this community a better place with it.

Upsolve Community Member
So glad you're here <3 

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    Upsolve is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that started in 2016. Our mission is to help low-income families who cannot afford lawyers file bankruptcy for free, using an online web app. Spun out of Harvard Law School, our team includes lawyers, engineers, and judges. We have world-class funders that include the U.S. government, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and leading foundations. It's one of the greatest civil rights injustices of our time that low-income families can’t access their basic rights when they can’t afford to pay for help. Combining direct services and advocacy, we’re fighting this injustice.

    To learn more, read why we started Upsolve in 2016, our reviews from past users, and our press coverage from places like the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.